
Students Stepping Up: Pope John XXIII Regional High School Pledges US$5,000

The ICM Choir’s last performance of the 2011 USA Tour was held at Pope John XXIII Regional High School in Sparta, New Jersey.  The Choir’s multimedia performance shared how the children’s individual stories of abandonment, hunger, disease, and displacement have been transformed by the hope of a better future.  As they sang their stories, they represented all children throughout the world living in adversity.  Their music testified to the power that hope can bring.  The students and staff at Pope John XXIII Regional High School responded with extreme generosity, pledging US$5,000 to help change more lives in the Philippines.  Their warm welcome to the USA was a very powerful experience for the Choir Kids.

Thank you, Pope John XXIII Regional High School, for walking beside us in the flight against poverty.

The event even received local press coverage!  To read the published article CLICK HERE.

Photo by Heather Elliott, ICM Media Officer

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