Tag: operation

From hurting to healed

Keren Nika Antipasado was not feeling well. The normally active seven-year-old was having sharp pains in her stomach that weren’t going away. Her father, Nick, a pastor, took Keren to a clinic where she was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and scheduled for immediate surgery. The problem was paying for the surgery. Keren required urgent treatment...

Ivan’s New Smile

Mothers are delighted when at around the six week mark, their babies begin smiling. However for Ivan’s mother, Janice, that first smile was a painful time as Ivan’s grin revealed his severe cleft palate. Finding a cure for her son seemed impossible. Janice said, “We live too far from the city to afford the transport...

Curing Eugene

When ICM found five-year-old Eugene, it was obvious that something was wrong. In June 2015, Eugene’s spine had curved into a hunchback shape and the next month he developed a bad cough. After they had exhausted their finances and treatment options at the provincial hospital under government care, Eugene’s parents could only remain in their...

What if you couldn’t pay?

By Dr. Mindy Gill, ICM Director of Health Services Like many young boys, Kent loves to climb.  Unfortunately, he recently fell from a tall pole and fractured his arm.  His family was unable to find the US$400 required for the stainless steel rods to fix his fracture and Kent faced a life of suffering. What...